Mushroom Grow Block

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Mushroom Grow Block


From our partner vendor, Fat Moon Farm! Choose between shiitake, blue oyster, or Comb Tooth (new!). Quantities are limited.

Mushroom type:
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Each grow block comes with a spray mister & detailed instructions with links to videos.

Fat Moon Mushrooms has this information about the grow block types we are offering:

The shiitakes grow on hardwood sawdust and look like a dark brown button mushroom. Native to China, these are the flavorful mushrooms used in miso soup and many Asian dishes. They are used medicinally and as food. Shiitakes are good when cooked fresh and even better if dried and rehydrated.

Oyster mushrooms are a true delicacy! They’re too fragile to withstand shipping, which make them hard to find in local grocery stores. They are best consumed or dried within a few days of harvesting.

Comb Tooth, Hericium coralloides, is closely related to Lions Mane. This mushroom grows with an open, delicate structure, yet has a meaty taste and withstands cooking at high heat. Mature Comb Tooth mushrooms have hairs or icicles that appear to be dripping off the mushroom. Enjoy these by chopping and sauteeing in your favorite recipe.